Project initiator, president of the Association of Technological Circles Participants, head of the WorldSkills Russia Union junior division, secretary of the organizing committee of the NTI Olympiad
Pavel Luksha
Project initiator founder of the Global Education Futures, professor of practice at the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, co-founder of the University for the Planet, Ph.D.
Andrey Andryushkov
Scientific director of the project, scientific director of the Infrastructure Center of the NTI Circle Movement, founder of the School of Engineering at Moscow Polytechnic University, candidate of political sciences.
Anastasia Starostinskaya
Head of the "Almanac of the practices of the future" project, head of the Laboratory of Kruzhki, head of the Science Fiction Club.
Mikhail Prosekin
Project expert, director of InsitiLab LLC, head of the NTI Olympiad "Wireless Technologies", leading expert of the STEM-Baikal Center for Information Technologies, PhD in Physics and Mathematics.
Georgy Afanasyev
Project expert, owner of the creative space of the Forest Gardens farm.
Igor Chausov
Project expert, head of the analytical department of the EnergyNet Infrastructure Center (CSR North-West Foundation), a member of the Architectural and Technological Committee and the EnergyNet expert community of NTI.
Yuri Molodykh
Project expert, development director of UpGreat technology competitions.
Kseniia Gnitko
Researcher of the "Human +" section, leader of the "Digital Justice" kruzhok
Veronika Volkova
Researcher of the "Habitats" section, leader of the "Settlements of the Future" kruzhok
Anna Titova
Researcher of the sections "Governance systems", "Economics"