Water has always played a decisive role in the development of humanity's well-being. There is a complex relationship between access to water and development. Water is essential for economic growth and successful poverty alleviation. At the same time, economic development has negative effects on water resources. The current situation with water resources cannot be called safe. Over 844 million people still don't have access to safe drinking water. 1.8 billion people drink water from polluted sources. 2.4 billion people do not have access to modern sanitation systems. It is predicted that 2.3 billion people will live in regions with increased pressure on water resources by 2050.
Climate change, population growth and urbanization will affect the global demand for fresh water. UN forecasted growth of water consumption by 50% by 2030. By 2050, agriculture will have to increase global food production by 60%, especially in developing countries. The demand for manufactured goods is also growing and increasing demand on water resources. Thus, the demand for water is growing rapidly: by 2050 it is expected to increase by 55% in total. 20% of the world's groundwater is already being overexploited. If the situation does not change, by 2050 the global water deficit on the planet will reach 40%. At the same time, water resources management remains unsustainable. This is promoted by extensive irrigation in agriculture, uncontrolled release of pesticides and other chemicals, and the lack of proper wastewater treatment. It is typical for 90% of wastewater in developing countries. The UN report
highlights the urgent need for better water management.
The solution may be to spread the paradigm of natural water resources management. It is based on a decentralized way of water movement in the life support system, closed to the natural water cycle. Thus, it is possible through the design of landscapes that retain water in special ponds, and reforestation with permaculture techniques. If free access to water in water-deficient areas become pos