Almanac of the practices of the future
We can't wait for the future - it is important to create practices of the future. Design the ways people will live in the future and prototype them today. We invite technology communities that we call "kruzhki" and other enthusiasts to practice the future with us.
We create a special space to support technology enthusiasts and social entrepreneurs
We have assembled some of the existing practices which can lead humanity to a desired future on the map of the practices of the future. We are looking for those who share our view of the urgent problems of the present and values considering the future to create kruzhki and protopias of the future. We invite you to join us and help to broaden the map by searching and creating practices of the future.
Navigator to the future
Learn more about urgent problems of our time, cutting-edge topics and practices, communities that are working on the frontier. Use the map as a navigator to choose your topic, find like-minded people and define the strategy. Take part in our events and discuss the urgent problems of the present and the values of the future.
Interactive map for navigation among topics
Detailed descriptions of the practices shown on the map
Announcements of future events and materials of past events
Additional resources to help you better understand the current challenges
Global map of tech enthusiasts and social entrepreneurs communities
The core of the community of practitioners of the future: leaders, researchers and enthusiasts
If you are interested in something particular, you might use search on our site.
Prototype the future with us
Imagine possible variants of future civilization, choose the desired ones for you, find allies and prototype them today. Get involved in updating the map of the practices of the future.
The path to the future starts today!
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