We publish our materials under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. You can download, copy, distribute and use them for your own purposes (including commercial), provided that the source is quoted and noted if edits have been made.
We also provide links to publications in third-party sources.
Learning ecosystems: an emerging praxis for the future of education (en/ru)
This study shows the role that learning ecosystems play in updating the educational system and help to overcome the global challenges of our civilization.
Educational Ecosystems for Societal Transformation (en/ru/es)
Through our educational systems we must evolve our ways of thinking, learning, and acting together to address the increasingly complex dynamics of the 21st century and co-create desired futures.
A brief overview of the practices of the future (ru)
The brochure contains preliminary results of the research of the practices of the future by the team of the Kruzhok Movement along with the University for the Planet.

It describes the images of the future, in which communities of practice are built in different areas.
Creation of kruzhki and communities of technology enthusiasts (ru)
The brochure describes the principles and values of the Kruzhok movement.

It considers why it is important to practice the future, how kruzhoks and communities of technology enthusiasts help grow the practices of the future, and what is needed to create such communities.
Planetary scale tasks (ru)
The Up Great technology competition team analyzed the forecasts of the world's leading analysts, reports and studies of international organizations. They identified eight major challenges to humanity and the most likely options for technological scenarios.
Kruzhok movement library (ru)
These books were recommended by members of the Kruzhok movement and enthusiasts. They will help you to better understand the future. If you would like to suggest your book, write to us.
Kruzhok 2.0. Tutorial (ru)
This methodological manual describes scientific and technical kruzhoks as a key element of the emerging informal horizontal educational ecosystem in Russia and the world. The manual describes ecosystem participants as a mentor, an educational platform holder, a stakeholder, a carrier of the practice of the future and a development agent of the educational system ("ecosystem gardener"). The manual explores the main tools that a development agent can use to help create greater connectivity and resilience of the educational ecosystem.
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