Kruzhki of the Practices of the Future
Technology communities, clubs and kruzhki (circles) have existed for hundreds of years. But now, as in the Soviet Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, we face the task to form a new wave of circles of technology enthusiasts who are capable of conquering the world markets and create a new socio-technological order.

It is important that technology enthusiasts offer products and solutions that are actual here and now. But they should also assess the ethical side of their developments, predict the long-term consequences of their projects, set goals for 20, 50, 100 years ahead. Scientific and technological progress can solve the problems of the present, but it also can create new challenges and even lead to global disasters. For example, a simple transfer from traditional education in schools to a distance education can cause the most uneducated generation and a new inequality. Total automation may lead to a world where a person loses the meaning of life and a sense of responsibility for the decision-making process. The technologies for yield enhancement can cause the deterioration of our environment.

Technological projects without understanding the consequences can lead us to a completely different future in which we don't want to live. Therefore, it is necessary to practice the desired future, and it is important to do this together with the youth. If you do not build the future with children, the planned practices will not last for decades and centuries ahead because nobody will support them. Moreover, we see that in the 21st century there can be no long-term "preparation for life". Nowadays children have the opportunity to conceive and implement projects themselves, build their life strategy. There is no place for any inequality including age discrimination when we think about the future and strive for it.

It is difficult to conceive the practice of the future. You should be able to go beyond the modern way of life, which is possible only in an informal environment. With the energy and enthusiasm of like-minded people, it is easier to create a supportive space and environment for collaborative activities. We believe that the practice of the future should take place in mixed children-adult communities built on horizontal connections and mutual respect. We call such communities kruzhki and we believe that they can be educational environments and experimental platforms for growing the future.

Participants of the kruzhki are launching experiments with new technologies and new patterns of living. They start with themselves because they are interested in it. The kruzhok applies new technologies and modern knowledge, change the way they work. As a result, they inevitably come to the solution of urgent problems and create new social models for humanity.

We invite technology enthusiasts to think about the future they want to live in and evaluate scenarios of tomorrow which are unacceptable for them.
Field of the practice
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